Company History

The Beginning

The Zachys Wine Auction experience starts at the introduction of wine auctions into New York City in 1994. Don Zacharia, CEO of Zachys, played a major role in convincing regulators in Albany to allow the selling of fine wine at auction in New York. Once the legal hurdles were cleared, Zachys approached Christie’s and formed a strategic partnership which became the most successful wine auction business in the newly created marketplace. After splitting from Christie’s in 2001, Don Zacharia reassembled the key players from the winning ZachysChristie’s team under the Zachys banner, and Zachys has gone on to become a force in the international fine wine auction market.


In October 2004, two years after Zachys first independent auction, Zachys headed west to host the Inaugural Los Angeles Auction. Not long after that, Zachys opened an office in Hong Kong, with a full staff that oversees Zachys operations not only in Hong Kong, but in mainland China, and throughout Asia, from Bangkok to Tokyo and beyond. To this day, Zachys hosts auctions at some of the world’s top restaurants in Hong Kong and New York City, and auction day is an “event” collectors put on their calendars months in advance. Zachys has also expanded with offices in Paris and Beijing. 

Zachys global team of consultants is poised to reach the ever-expanding worldwide auction market. Not only does Zachys have a presence in New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, Lyon, Beijing, London, and California, but the Zachys Wine Specialist team travels widely in North and South America, hosting dinners, inspecting cellars, and meeting with an international collector base. Zachys team of consultants has a combined over 100 years in the wine auction business.

Furthermore, as the nation’s largest and most powerful retailer of fine Bordeaux, Zachys has established relationships in Bordeaux and throughout Europe that no other auction house can boast.


Despite Zachys rapid rise to the top of the U.S. wine auction market, and Zachys international status as a purveyor of fine and rare wines, Zachys is still a family business at heart. What truly sets the Zachys name apart - be it the retail store, the auction division or our private storage service - is our commitment to exceptional customer service. This dedication to keep both consignors and buyers satisfied runs throughout the entire Zachys Wine Auctions experience.

If you’d like to discuss consigning your wines to a Zachys auction, please email us at